Dentist in Hialeah Gardens, FL – RGD Dental – Implant & Cosmetic Dentistry

After Dental Implant Surgery

After Dental Implant Surgery

Dental implants are artificial teeth that look and function just like natural teeth and are attached to metal posts that serve as replacement tooth roots during surgery. Dentures and bridgework that don’t fit properly are common problems, but dental implant surgery can be an excellent alternative.

What happens immediately after a dental implant surgery?

Depending on the sedation level you have received for your surgery, you might feel a little dizzy after the procedure. You might also experience the following things after the treatment, but there is nothing to worry about. Make sure you are not pulling your lips to get a view of the surgical site or poking it with your tongue or fingers.

Instructions for the first 24 hours after the surgery

How to know if something is wrong?

If you experience excessive bleeding or discomfort even after 72 hours of your surgery, call our dental office in Hialeah Gardens, FL, right away. With each passing day, you should be feeling better. But, if that does not happen then it might be a sign that you are getting an infection. Some other signs of infection will include fever, foul taste in mouth, and discharge from the surgical site.

Getting Dental Implant Surgery in Hialeah Gardens, FL

If you are considering dental implants, visit our dental clinic in Hialeah Gardens, FL, where you can consult our doctor, who can answer all your questions for you. To know about the procedure and get assistance on taking care of yourself after the procedure, call us at 786 536 7537.