Dentist in Hialeah Gardens, FL – RGD Dental – Implant & Cosmetic Dentistry

Root Canal Therapy

Root Canal Therapy

Sometimes, the bacteria can enter your tooth pulp and cause infection. When this occurs, your dentist in Hialeah Gardens, FL, might recommend root canal therapy. The process involves removing the infected pulp and sealing the teeth to prevent any future infection. This is a simple and effective dental procedure that relieves you from pain caused by an infected or abscessed tooth. During the procedure, the inflamed pulp is removed, and the surface inside the tooth is cleaned and disinfected. This is followed by a filling to seal the area.

When do you need root canal therapy?

Root canal therapy is mostly recommended by dentists when the infected have penetrated your gumlines and have reached the tooth pulp. This mostly happens due to negligence; if the cavity is left untreated for a long time. It can also happen if your tooth has cracked or been damaged due to a sudden blow or accident.

Is root canal therapy painful?

Many people are afraid of root canal therapy as they associate pain with the procedure. But the truth is that the pain is caused by the infected pulp and not by the root canal treatment. Also, the treatment is conducted under the influence of local anesthesia, so the area stays numb during the therapy. Once the procedure is completed, you will experience immediate relief. You might face some discomfort post-procedure, but that will go away within a few days.

What are some indications that you might need root canal therapy?

In some cases, people do not know that they have an infected tooth. However, if you notice the following symptoms, you should rush to a dentist immediately:

Getting Root Canal Therapy in Hialeah Gardens, FL

If you have an infected tooth or are experiencing pain, visit our dental office in Hialeah Gardens, FL. You can book an appointment with our dentist, and they will check the condition of your teeth. They will do a thorough examination of your mouth and take X-rays to understand the situation fully. Call us at 786 536 7537 to schedule an appointment.