Dentist in Hialeah Gardens, FL – RGD Dental – Implant & Cosmetic Dentistry

Gum Reconstruction

Gum Reconstruction

Gum grafting is a treatment option your dentist may suggest if you have gum recession. Receding gums often indicate advanced gum disease, though they can also result from a hereditary predisposition.

Symptoms of Gum Reconstruction

The symptoms of Gum Reconstruction are:

Who is eligible for Gum Reconstruction?

Periodontal medical surgery may be recommended if a patient has bone loss or a problem that does not respond well to delicate tissue administration treatments. Careful intervention may be necessary for many patients undergoing scaling and root arrangement procedures with their dental hygienist or periodontist in order to ensure the greatest prognosis for their oral and dental health. Visits to the dentist should be routine for everyone. If there are signs of gum disease, the dentist should propose surgical treatment. Except for that small detail, the patient does not qualify for the treatment.

How can gum grafting help?

Gum grafts have several advantages and some of which are:

Potential Side of Gum Reconstruction

Although complications after gum grafting surgery are unusual, they do occur.

Getting Gum Reconstruction in Hialeah Gardens, FL

Gum grafting can be done in several ways, and there are a variety of materials and methods to choose from when trying to regenerate or replace destroyed gum tissue. Connect with our dentist in Hialeah Gardens, FL, and get consultations to know your best option.