Dentist in Hialeah Gardens, FL – RGD Dental – Implant & Cosmetic Dentistry

Pocket Reduction Surgery

Pocket reduction regeneration

Any periodontal disease left untreated can result in tooth loss, bone loss, and a higher chance of developing catastrophic illnesses, including diabetes and stroke. Maintaining adequate oral hygiene, periodontal disease in its initial stages is frequently reversible. Advanced periodontitis, however, typically calls for more drastic procedures. One of the most effective treatments for severe gum infections is, in particular, pocket reduction surgery.

What is pocket reduction regeneration?

By reducing the depth of the gum pockets, pocket reduction surgery aims to make it far more difficult for bacteria to enter the gum tissue. First, the gum tissue is removed from the teeth under local anaesthetic, and the subgingival area is carefully cleaned. To completely remove the tartar, dirt, and plaque from below the gum line, extensive scraping may be needed. The surgical incision will subsequently be sutured closed after antimicrobial treatment is administered to the affected area to eradicate any leftover bacteria. The natural healing of the gums is greatly accelerated, and tissue loss is stopped with the help of pocket reduction surgery.

Who are eligible for pocket reduction regeneration?

You should first make an appointment with a periodontist to see whether you might benefit from pocket reduction surgery. They will use a special probe to gauge the space between your gums and teeth during this session. A pocket depth exceeding 5 or 6 millimetres indicates the presence of advanced periodontal disease. The periodontist would likely advise pocket reduction surgery if this is your situation.

Get pocket reduction regeneration in Hialeah Gardens, Florida

Contact our dental office in Hialeah Gardens, Florida, or the surrounding areas if you need effective treatment for periodontal disease or damaged or discoloured teeth. Our cutting-edge dental facility is fully stocked with various dental tools to provide you with the best care possible.